Friday, September 12, 2008

Open Dates & New Friends!

Wow - when I posted my current fall schedule most everything was snapped up in just about one day. I am looking forward to meeting great new families and visiting with some previous clients! The following are the current open dates for the remainder of the year. I may open up a few more dates in December, but there will be no holiday delivery for those dates. I am also starting a waiting list for any October or November dates if you are interested in that let me know!

November 22 - morning or afternoon session
November 23 - afternoon session only, from 2pm & on
November 29 - morning or afternoon session

November 8th & 9th have now booked as well, there are only 3 official dates left for the year!

Now that the business end of things is aside - I of course have some pictures to share! This is my little guy Reid (the unhappy one of course, we have a screamer) and his buddy Tristan. Tristan is my best friends little guy and they are just 3 weeks apart. So of course we are hoping they love each other as much as we love each other. Unfortunately at our impromptu playdate the other day, Reid wasn't showing the love!


Anonymous said...
